Impact Beyond Borders

Impact Beyond Borders works toward transformational and dignified development of the Lao people by focusing on education, heritage, and service opportunities.


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Impact Beyond Borders believes that every boy, girl, and adult should have access to a quality education. Education development is key for sustainable and transformational development for Lao PDR.

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Impact Beyond Borders hopes to connect and build bridges with Lao diaspora returnees to make pilgrimage journeys to learn more about their Lao heritage and culture. 

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Impact Beyond Borders hopes to explore partnership and collaboration with social services and international organizations to provide sustainable and dignified development opportunities. 

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The Khamphouvong Story

In 1980, the Khamphouvong family escaped Lao PDR, crossing the Mekong River at night to find refuge in a Thailand refugee camp for two years. Impact Beyond Borders hopes to assist Lao escapists to recollect, learn ways document, and share their life altering journeys as a part of new communities.

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About 38% of the estimated 7 million Lao population live on less than $2USD/day.

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